Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mini Traditional Market

Thank God we live near a traditional market, though a very small one. There are only 6 ladies who arrive at the market from other parts of town to serve the people of my area.

The butcher who sell chicken and beef, the fish seller... 

The coconut shredder...

As you can see, I arrived a bit too early that they haven't completely set up their booth. The main vegetable seller didn't even come back from the main market yet. This vegetable seller went out for a bit. There's even a lady who specialize in spices. All sorts of spices such as star anise, limun citrus, and others I haven't tried to use in my cooking.

Other sellers include the bubur lady, the pecel lady, the sate lady and the pukis man!

I think this is as organic as it gets: red orange tomatoes with holes, napa cabbage with caterpillars, freshly grated coconuts, and fish with flies (normally, preserved fish don't have flies flying around it)!

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