Problems in Jogja

Environmental Issues in Yogyakarta

It has been almost 10 years since we last lived in our beloved hometown of Yogyakarta (Jogja). Apparently, the environmental problems we find now are the same ones found 10 years ago and they seem to be getting worse. Here are a few top issues:
  • Air Pollution
  • Garbage Dumping
  • Loss of Green Spaces!!!

Other Issues we came across with but feel helpless about:
  • Traffic Jams ~ More newcomers and students
  • Vision Pollution ~ Too many billboards in town!!!
  • Noise Pollution ~ Why does music have to be so Loud?!

Jogja is undergoing urbanization at an alarming rate. The city doesn't feel like that calm and quiet campus town anymore. The one we knew and experienced back in college. Let's see what we can do about them.

References to Confirm the Issues
Cultural Approach to Environmental Management in Yogyakarta
Press Release from WALHI Yogyakarta 2013

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